Sunday, August 25, 2013

a slow sunday....

it was a quiet sunday in harmony today. 

after work, i went to spend a few hours at the weaver's cabin.   spent some time chatting with liesel and amanda,  and didn't get a lot of weaving done, lol.    i am MUCH more productive when there isn't anyone there to talk with.....      i am working on the last overshot table runner on this warp (i had dressed the loom with enough warp for 3,  in variations on an overshot draft called 'ancient rose design').    this draft has 2 versions of treadling,  so i did one runner with the rose treadling, and 2 with the star treadling.   the star treadling of this draft has been one of my favorite overshot patterns ever since i started weaving overshot in college.

when i initially set up this warp,  i fell back on old habits (from weaving mostly on countermarche and counterbalance looms) and tied up the treadles backward (as far as this jack loom is concerned, lol).    so the pattern that i see as i weave is the back.    i have to look underneath to see the front.  not too big a deal,  but i'll fix it next time i use this loom.

the warp and tabby is 8/2 cotton (same as i use for dish towels) and the pattern weft is yarn i spun and dyed from local sheep.    the first runner i did in a light teal.    for the second and third i dyed more traditional colors.    dark blue (resembling indigo or logwood) for the rose treadling,  and red (which would traditionally have been dyed with madder or cochineal) for the star treadling.

this is the top...   technically the back side of the pattern.

and this would be 'technically' the front.

i spent some of the time supervising (ahem) as amanda photographed some of her scarves so they can be listed on etsy.

and then turned and took pictures of a few local buildings.....   harmony is such a picturesque little town.   :-)

both of these houses are historic buildings.   the log cabin is more than 200 years old, built by members of the harmonist society.   i'm not sure if the brick building is harmonists or mennonite.

the harmony inn, one of harmony's many haunted buildings.   it was originally a residence and is now a restaurant.   it's recently under new ownership.   i'm looking forward to seeing what changes they make.

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