Monday, October 28, 2013

the weather has finally turned cold.   i used to love winter.   i suppose i still do...i'd be happy to have more snow than we've had the last few winters.    i'm noticing this year, though,  that my joints get more stiff and achy as the temperature drops.      i need to figure out what my body needs to prevent this.    

i was talking with a friend, recently, about dietary stuff,  and she said that her father's kidney doctor told him that high fructose corn syrup causes the kidneys to not be able to properly process toxins, which then build up in the joints, causing joint pain.  hmmmm.   i have some kidney damage, so mine are already inefficient at processing toxins and such.  no wonder high fructose corn syrum makes my joints hurt.       i knew it was true for me.  but i am happy to now know why.

so, back to the cold weather.  last night i brought in my chive plant (which was a gift from a friend this summer).   my cat is thrilled.    little miss weirdo, who won't eat anything except dry cat food (known around here as 'kitty crunchies'), has been happily choping away.    i wouldn't have thought she'd enjoy the onion-y flavor, lol.